No matter how well your business is going I am sure that it could always do a little better. Whether you are a start-up or a highly successful enterprise, everyone could benefit from an increase in business, extra public awareness and finding new untapped markets and potential customers. The problem seems to be that you need that something extra which you do not already have which is the key to attracting those extra customers to your business.

Fortunately, though the problem may seem difficult, it may turn out to be quite easy for you.
If you are a fledgling young business, you will obviously want to increase traffic to your store, gain extra awareness of your business in your community and bring in new customers while earning a nice profit.

If you are an established business you may want to increase your customer base beyond your regular patrons and conduct a new marketing campaign.
If you are a mega corporation you will be wanting to keep your shareholders happy, perhaps reach untapped markets, let other potential customers who have never shopped with you before know about your product range from which they may discover a product that you offer but were never aware of it before!

Calculate risk management

However, all of the above takes time, effort and can be quite expensive. The start-up business is possibly operating on a limited budget, the established business might be afraid of the risk of something potentially unproven and the mega corporation could believe that they have done everything and that there is nothing new under the sun they can do to increase their marketing yield.

Those concerns are all equally valid and are certainly a thorn in the side of business, but they do not have to be. We just need to get the public aware, keep them informed and then make them curious about what you can offer them.

The solution is to let the public be selfish, but in a whole new way. Let them know how great your product is and how it can benefit them. Sounds like the old “What is in it for me?” from Marketing 101 does it not? Well it is, but with a twist. Not only let the public know how your product can benefit them, but also how it can save them money.

No, we need to go another step further. Let me know how they will be the envy of their friends, do some ego stroking.

Sorry, still one more; tell them how it can benefit them, save them money, make their friends want what they have and then, inform them that you are the only provider, with your rich combination of products and services and outstanding customer service and support, that can fulfill their needs.

Solution, Solution, Solution

The next step is to create the solution mentioned above. By now you might be wondering “alright, alright, so I am going to have something that makes my business absolutely unique in my town/state/country/(world?), what is it?!”.

It is an information product. An information product could be a simple leaflet, it could be a newsletter, it could be a mini magazine, it could be a booklet you sell or give away, it might even be a training course!

But how can these items increase your business exactly? Let me give you a few examples; if you are a music and sound production studio, give away a booklet on getting the best sound out your home studio, if you hire out lawn maintenance equipment give out a booklet on maintenance tips and the best ways to keep a brilliant garden looking clean and tidy.

Entice people with what they want rather than what you want to sell

If you run a computer store or are an IT specialist, offer a small booklet advising people how to keep their anti-virus and spyware software up to date and keeping their PC case dust free. If you run a hardware store, offer leaflets of ideas for D.I.Y. projects that customers might want to undertake.

If you run a supermarket, you might provide a small booklet on great recipes and how to produce a warm and inviting atmosphere for dinner.

If you are a restaurant you could provide a leaflet on choosing the best garnish for a meal or tips on creating the best dish. A finance company could offer a check list to entice the public to borrow for holidays or a new home or tips for choosing the best pension or superannuation account. A business consultant could offer a free business report or white paper on a subject that they directly deal with. The list is practically endless and is bursting full of opportunity.

You are quite busy and don’t have the time to write, you say? Easy! You do not need to have the greatest grasp of the English language in order to produce a booklet and you do not need to devote heaps of time in your busy schedule to creating your leaflet.

There are many freelance writers out there who will be more than happy to take your idea or concept and shape it into a wonderful creation that you can be proud to present to the public, and especially your customers.

Freelancing solution works most of the time

They have the writers toolbox with all the equipment they need to create your stunning masterpiece for you, at a very affordable price.

That’s right, you do not necessarily need to have a writer on staff, nor do you need to worry about a huge service bill after the production has been made complete.

Many great freelance business writers and writing consultants are available to help you create the key to making your business unique and more profitable and many will offer a quick turn-around.

So remember, there is always that one extra thing that is a near guarantee to help make your startup, established business or mega corporation gain extra customers, become more profitable and set you apart from your competitors in a practical and very exciting way.

You now have the key, now create the idea and go forth and succeed!
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