Technology Acquisition Fund (TAF) 1
TAF 1 provides funding to eligible Malaysian companies to acquire foreign technology for immediate incorporation into company’s manufacturing activity. The acquisition of technology could be in the form of acquiring know-how/patent rights/prototype/design via the following methods:

The eligibility conditions are as follows:

The eligible expenses are cost of technology acquisition and training, up to a maximum of 50% or RM2 million whichever is lower depending on the merits of each application. The maximum project duration under TAF 1 is 2 years for project implementation and product roll-out and 2 years for project monitoring/impact study.
Applications should be made on prescribed forms to MTDC. Applicants are advised to discuss the proposed project with MTDC prior to making a formal application.
Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn Bhd
Level 3-4, MIDF Building
195A, Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-2161 2000     Fax: 603-2163 7542
Email: \n [email protected]
Technology Acquisition Fund (TAF) 2
TAF 2 provides funding to eligible women entrepreneurs to acquire equipment and machinery for immediate incorporation into company’s manufacturing activity. The acquisition of the equipment and machinery must be for the improvement of the current production capacity or process. Grants are provided under a few categories of activities, subject to certain women-ownership requirements.
For more details, please contact MTDC.
Commercialisation of R&D Fund (CRDF)
The objectives of this fund are to enhance the competitiveness and capability of Malaysian industry by promoting the commercialisation of indigenous technology, and to accelerate the commercialisation of R&D results undertaken by higher institutions of learning.
The fund provides partial grants to qualified R&D projects to be commercialised up to a maximum of 50% to 70% or RM4 million, whichever is lower, depending on the merits of each application.
For more details, please contact MTDC.
A variety of soft loans and venture capital funds are also available for SMEs under MITI.
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
Block 10, Government Offices Complex
Jalan Duta
50622 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-6203 3022
Fax: 603-6203 2337
For incentives offered by SMIDEC, please refer to E52.